
spirit water
harmony water

8 oz. concentrate produces 8 gallons of Harmony or Spirit Molecule Water $30

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spirit water

Spirit Molecule merges with Future Revolutionary Zero Point Technology to change the very fabric of our existence. We have succeeded in creating Spirit Molecule Water. The Spirit Molecule Water encourages the stimulation and activation of the pituitary gland. Amrita is a fluid that can flow from the pituitary gland down the throat in deep states of meditation. The Divine frequencies that encourage the activation of Amrita were also applied to the Spirit Molecule Water.

Our 8oz amazing Spirit Molecule Water will make 8 gallons of Spirit Molecule Water to share with quests, family and friends.
harmony water
Harmony Water also uses our Revolutionary Zero Point triple nesting Technology. The Harmony Water encourages balance and happiness by hydrating the body while flushing toxins. The special frequencies that encourage the activation of Amrita were also applied to the Harmony Concentrate. Our 8oz amazing Harmony Water will make 8 gallons of Water to share with quests, family and friends.
arrowspirit water harmony water
Spirit Molecule Water $30
Harmony Water $30

The pituitary gland is sometimes called the "master" gland of the endocrine system, because it controls the functions of the other endocrine glands. The pituitary gland is a pea-sized gland located at the base of the skull between the optic nerves. The pituitary gland secretes hormones. Hormones are chemicals that travel through our blood stream. The pituitary is sometimes referred to as the "master gland" as it controls hormone functions such as our temperature, thyroid activity, growth during childhood, urine production, testosterone production in males and ovulation and estrogen production in females. In effect the gland functions as our thermostat that controls all other glands that are responsible for hormone secretion. The gland is a critical part of our ability to respond to the environment most often without our knowledge. The pituitary gland also plays a major roll in balancing our water levels. Amrita is a fluid that can flow from the pituitary gland down the throat in deep states of meditation. The Divine frequencies that encourage the activation of Amrita were also applied to the Spirit Molecule Water.


On February 12, 2003 I traveled to Oxnard, California to attend a meeting with Robert Lloy to discuss Scalarwave Technology and Scalarwave Structured Water. At this historical meeting, I presented Mr. Lloy with the crystal photograph of his structured water formulas. Later that year I invited Robert Lloy to form a partnership which I named EmLloy, in honor of our surnames, Emoto and Lloy.

Mr. Lloy has invented a complex technology and corresponding manufacturing facility which is capable of imprinting coherent frequency information into water using his zero point energy field technology.

EmLloy products are distributed through Hado Centers in Japan and now I am happy to introduce you this Indigo water of EmLloy Water series in the US.

click to brochure

Dr. Makoto Shichida
Over the last 15 years we have gathered information from hundreds of thousands of voice samples and brain maps. We’ve worked with children who had various learning disabilities and over the years came to the same conclusion as Dr. Makoto Shichida, world renowned founder of over 350 Preschool Child Academies in Japan who teach the importance of right brain stimulation.

Each side of the brain has its own unique and special abilities. The right side of the brain is intuitive, while the left side of the brain is logical. Right brain stimulation is the doorway to higher states of consciousness. Another name for the right hemisphere of the brain is the image brain. According to Dr. Makoto Shichida, it is this part of the brain by which we 'see' when we are imagining or dreaming. Furthermore, the right brain can create mental images from information gotten from the cells of the body which is the basis for extra sensory perception.

Masaru Emoto (EMLLOY) encouraged us to create the Indigo formula for his life long friend Dr. Shichida. We used the information from thousands of tests to structure a special water to encourage more right brain activity. We launched this wonderful product through our Emoto Lloy (EMLLOY ) series. The initial comments from our testers have already surpassed our expectations.


Click image for closeup view Click image for close-up

The Purity formula still contains the base formula that won all of the awards. With recent breakthroughs in manufacturing we have been able to add the additional energy frequencies. This formula is designed to expand consciousness and awareness. This is an evolutionary beverage to help people get more in touch with their truth and life purpose. This beverage is useful in higher-level decision-making and contributes to mental clarity. With the addition of all the Inert Noble Gases this beverage assists in stimulating the intuitive and higher centers of the brain

To Purity/Clarity Concentrate

The enhanced Super formula is based upon thousands of clinical voice analyses, which revealed the needs of the physical body. It is used to enhance the physical structure by increasing energy. For this enhanced blend we added additional energy frequencies to the original base solution. This new formula is designed to increase physical energy and stamina. This formula encourages mind-body balance. This is an excellent daily water that helps the individual accomplish all their tasks.

To Super Concentrate

For this newly enhanced blend we added additional energy frequencies to our original base. Supercalm is designed to deal with the mental and emotional body. This is designed to uplift the emotions, and create a euphoric sense of well-being. It assists in providing balance and harmony to the nervous system. It is also a feel good type of drink for general upliftment. This beverage helps stabilize and calm the active mind. We like to think of this relaxing structured water as a means of dealing with fear and stress.

To Supercalm Concentrate


Over the last 15 years we have gathered information from hundreds of thousands of voice samples and brain maps. We’ve worked with children who had various learning disabilities and over the years came to the same conclusion as Dr. Makoto Shichida, world renowned founder of over 350 Preschool Child Academies in Japan who teach the importance of right brain stimulation. Masaru Emoto (EMLLOY) encouraged us to create this formula for his life long friend Dr. Shichida. We used the information from thousands of tests to structure a special water to encourage more right brain activity. We launched this wonderful product through our Emoto Lloy (EMLLOY ) series.

To Indigo Concentrate

On February 3rd we attended a meeting with Dr. Emoto where concerns about bird flu and various viruses were being discussed. We left with the agenda to create a daily support water. We are pleased to present our new daily support Wellness Water. The Wellness formula is designed to encourage maximum cell water turn over. This will help the body flush stored toxins from the system which in turn, support the immune system in the defense of body. For this special formula we created a specific Wellness Frequency Program to support and strengthen all the bodily functions. 

To Wellness Concentrate
Spirit Molecule Water

Spirit Molecule Water represents a major breakthrough in structuring concentrate. We used our new Triple nesting Scalar Vortex coils to deliver the frequency information to our base concentrate.

To Wellness Concentrate

($25 each) Sample Pack 4 for $100

Enter quantity of each bottle

Select total of 4 bottles, even 4 of the same kind
Purity/Clarity Concentrate
Super Concentrate
Supercalm Concentrate
Indigo Concentrate
Wellness Concentrate


