
Sound Energy Research is an Industry leader in Zero point Scalarwave Vortex Coil Technology and voice analysis computer software. Over the years, Sound Energy has developed a formula based upon the resonate frequency of an Atom in Saline solution at body temperature. This formula has allowed us to take an atomic weight element such as calcium from the periodic table and represent it by a frequency. This formula has proven to be so accurate that if a client had hair, blood or urine analysis it was found to be spot on with a voice analysis taken with their computer software.

Please remember that with present day technology it is impossible to generate a frequency and produce an element. Many claim to be doing this but they are misguided. The best we can do is to present frequencies that stimulate the different systems of the body responsible for the various elements. Over the years our research indicated that we had developed a very accurate formula based upon the information mentioned above. Using the principles of resonance we apply an external source of energy equal to the desired frequency determined by the voice. Once applied the cell no longer expands its own energy to continue oscillating. When this condition is created the cells have an opportunity to restructure using their innate knowledge of their own internal design. Some form of pollution be it from stress, chemicals or whatever was responsible for the cell losing its desired operating frequency.

We use our complex formula and knowledge of wave forms to digitally recorded the audio programs. Each octave wave contains the brain frequencies of alpha and theta. These powerful therapeutic audio programs can be used during meditation or resting to stimulate the elemental systems within your own body.

These therapeutic audio programs will give you an opportunity to experience the building blocks of creation. The elements are accurately represented.

The relationship between musical notes and brain wave patterns was first found by Hans Berger in 1929. He began measuring brainwaves as the electrical patterns emitted by the brain. His work as used today suggests:

Brainwave patterns





Cycles per Second

30-16 cps

15-8 cps

7-4 cps

3-1 cps











Nearly 20 years ago, a spectrum analysis process was developed to determine the relative frequency of the major elements that compose the physical body. A single element, say Calcium, was suspended in a saline solution (much as it would exist in the human body). A laser light was shown through the tumbler, projected through a prism and the spectrum analyzer was used to identify relative light frequencies. In turn, these have been mathematically transposed in hertz or cycles per second.

Our research indicates that taking the resonant frequency of an Atom in Saline Solution at body temperature is the best way to represent and convert atomic weight to cycles per second, "hertz" frequency. Over the years this mathematical discovery has continued to hold true. We have many examples where lab tests confirmed the same elements found in our Computer Voice Samples.

We have replaced the old CD's with high end digital quality programs that can be played on our free Cloud Sound Therapy Audio Player. This eliminates snail mail and allows our customers to receive their orders instantly anywhere in the world. (plus it save shipping charges)

Our Octave Waves
Really Are Great...$10 each


These first 5 programs represent individual programs based upon the Periodic Table of Elements. The elements have a direct relationship to our well being and these programs can stimulate the systems as needed. They were all recorded in Alpha - Theta - Beta - brain frequencies with our priority formula and a special wave form that produces both odd and even harmonics. Simply put on one of the programs while resting or meditating.

Octave wave #5 for the Physical body Stimulates the periodic table of elements that bring strength, balance and stability into ones life. The elements of the 5th wave are Helium, Carbon, Lithium, Fluorine, Beryllium, Oxygen, Boron and Nitrogen...$10


Octave wave #6 for the Cellular systems Stimulates the periodic table of elements that deal with digestion, fatigue, stress, cellular cleansing and the defense system. The elements of the 6th wave are Neon, Silicon, Sodium, Chlorine, Magnesium, Sulfur, Aluminum and Phosphorus...$10


Octave wave #7 for the Nervous system Stimulates the periodic table of elements that deal with healing, regeneration, stress, influencing subtle circulation and nerves, brings stability to our over worked electrical system. The elements of the 7th wave are Argon, Cobalt, Potassium, Bromine, Calcium, Selenium, Scandium, Arsenic, Titanium, Germanium, Vanadium, Gallium, Chromium, Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Iron and Nickel...$10


Octave wave #8 for the Emotional body Stimulates the periodic table of elements that deal with the defense system, regulating, balancing and stabilizing our emotional body. Makes us feel good. The elements of the 8th wave are Krypton, Rhodium, Rubidium, Iodine, Strontium, Tellurium, Yttrium, Antimony, Zirconium, Tin, Niobium, Indium, Molybdenum, Cadmium, Technetium, Silver, Ruthenium and Palladium...$10


Octave wave #9 for the Mental body Stimulates the periodic table of elements that bring calmness to the mind, greater focus, better decision making and higher spiritual insights. The elements of the 9th wave are Xenon, Lutetium, Cesium, Astatine, Barium, Polonium, Lanthanum, Bismuth, Curium, Lead, Praseodymium, Thallium, Neodymium, Mercury, Promethium, Gold, Samarium, Uranium, Europium, Platinum, Gadolinium, Iridium, Terbium, Osmium, Dysprosium, Rhenium, Holmium, Tungsten, Erbium, Tantalum, Thulium, Hafnium, Ytterbium and Radium...$10



Purchase All 5 Octave Waves...$50


The next 3 Audio selections represent individual programs that were all recorded in Alpha - Theta - Beta - brain frequencies with our priority formulas and special wave forms that produces both odd and even harmonics.


Mini Toneup...$10


Meditation Program (15 min). Enjoy your Inner Journey as we slowly take you through the Alpha, Theta frequencies. The purpose of this program is to settle down the mind, which in turn settles down the body and allows you to release the deep routed stress from the nervous system. At the end of the program you are introduced to our Wellness Tones which stimulate the chakras and prepare you for new adventures.

Release Program (15 min). We added our own special technology to a pulsing program which has been very successful in bringing deeply stored issues into your consciousness so that they can be "released". Some practitioners have said it was like watching movies from their past. They were able to release unresolved issues.

Master Program (15 min), for our Spiritual body. Contains the motion found within each octave. It makes a great tone-up. Our research indicates that taking the resonant frequency of an Atom in Saline Solution at body temperature is the best way to represent and convert atomic weight to cycles per second, "hertz" frequency.

Over the years this mathematical discovery has continued to hold true. We have had many examples where lab tests have confirmed the same elements found in the voice sample. The elements of the Master Program are Hydrogen, Helium, Carbon, Neon, Silicon, Argon, Cobalt, Krypton, Rhodium, Xenon, Lutetium and Niton. We finish this program with our chakra stimulating Wellness Tone.

Specialty Tones (4 min each). The Prana Tone represents the Oxygen elements. Golden Bliss works on the mental body affecting the etheric web. These elements develop the qualities of honor and integrity. A very expansive tone which helps integrate information through the etheric and celestial webs culturing Divine Will. Celestial Bliss helps balance and stabilize the emotional body while developing the quality of Virtue. Celestial Bliss helps develop clair audient (ability to hear all things). Crystal Laser deals with pure intent between higher self and the physical. It effects the emotional body and cultures crystal clear direction. Awareness Tone deals with the brain, pituitary gland as well as all the body's glands. It is a good memory builder...$10


Advanced Toneup...$10


Deep Meditation Program (20 minutes). Enjoy your Inner Journey as we slowly take you through the Alpha, Theta, Delta frequencies. The purpose of this program is to settle down the mind, which in turn settles down the body and allows you to release the deep routed stress from the nervous system. At the end of the program you are introduced to our Wellness Tones which stimulate the chakras and prepare you for new adventures.

Release Program (20 minutes). As soon as you experience this unusual program you will say this feels familiar. We added our own special technology to a pulsing program which has been very successful in bringing deeply stored issues into your consciousness so that they can be "released". Some practitioners have said it was like watching movies from their past. Allowing long forgotten issues to come and go as though you were a silent witness.

Quadrangle of Cohesive Brilliance (10 minutes). The name says it all. The Quad Program takes advantage of information concerning the precious elements of Silver, Gold, Platinum and Palladium. This exciting program strengthens the relationships between the subtle bodies. We also added the Release and Wellness Tone chakra frequencies to the program...$10

Tips For Listening

Obviously, these special low frequency programs are best played through our Scalar Vortex Devises. That being said, do not use earphones, unless you want to use the earpieces to provide direct stimulation to a specific area of the body. You could place the ear pieces directly on the area that you want to stimulate. Consciousness is found in every cell of the body and our goal is to stimulate all areas rather then being confined to the head region.

The tones that are being played are in the Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta frequency range. We use a special waveform that produces both odd and even harmonics while providing Amplitude and Frequency modulation.

We have created various programs, which should be played in their entirety and then stop and rest while the body integrates the experience. As with all things in nature, the human body requires rest and activity cycles for maximum maintenance. As an example, we recommend that if you select a program that is 30 minutes in length, you should allow at least 90 minutes of rest and silence to integrate the experience.

The brain frequency programs should not be considered as music that we simply play all the time. Using them as described above derives maximum benefit. A good rule to follow is 3 times rest to one time stimulation. For best results, play the program through our IQubes.

You can purchase an inexpensive Cyber Acoustics speaker/sub woofer system $29.99. With a frequency response of 20Hz to 20000Hz makes this an excellent system for playing your personal frequency programs.

